Dr. Arun S. Nair

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Gall Bladder Surgery

Experience gall bladder surgeon in thrissur | Dr. Arun S. Nair

Dr. Arun S Nair is a highly qualified and experienced gastroenterologist in Thrissur who has experience in treating gallbladder stones treatment and He compiles a personalized treatment plan for each patient. If you are living in Thrissur, Kerala, or nearby areas and seeking gallstone treatment, then don’t hesitate to seek help from Dr. Arun S Nair. With their experience, expertise, and compassionate care, you can be confident that you are in good hands and will receive the best possible treatment for your condition. On this page, he guides us about gallbladder stones.

Gallbladder stones, also known as gallstones, are solid particles that form within the gallbladder, a small organ located beneath the liver. These stones can vary in size and composition, ranging from small sand-like particles to larger, more solid formations. Gallstones can develop due to an imbalance in the substances that make up bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder

Gallbladder stones can present with a range of symptoms, which can vary in severity. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Indigestion and Bloating
  • Jaundice

Several factors can contribute to the formation of gallbladder stones:

  • Excess Cholesterol
  • Bilirubin Imbalance
  • Gallbladder Dysfunction
  • Obesity
  • Diet

Dr. Arun Nair will come up with a treatment strategy according to the symptoms and test results. If you are in a lot of discomfort, he may recommend surgery. Gallbladder stones are frequently treated through the removal of the gallbladder. Dr. Arun Nair applied one of the following techniques for Gallbladder surgery in Thrissur.

  1. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy – Dr. Arun Nair will initially offer you general anesthesia for pain relief during the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy surgical treatment in Thrissur. Dr. Arun Nair will make minor incisions on the lower abdomen to provide direct access to the gallbladder. D. Arun Nair will carefully extract the gallbladder from its attachment and, if required, remove it from the body. After surgery, the patient is constantly watched in the hospital. To ensure comfort, pain management measures are used, and patients are progressively introduced to a regular diet as they recuperate.
  2. Open Cholecystectomy – To access the gallbladder during an open cholecystectomy, an extensive abdominal incision must be made. The gallbladder is then softly removed by the surgeon, reducing the pain brought on by gallstones.
  • Pain and Discomfort Relief: Extreme pain and suffering can result from gallbladder problems, especially if gallstones hamper the bile ducts. By successfully removing the cause of these issues, gallbladder surgery offers patients quick relief from the chronic pain and suffering they frequently feel.
  • Avoiding Future Complications: Untreated gallbladder issues might result in more serious side effects like inflammation, infection, or even rupture. By removing such risks, gallbladder surgery protects your general health by preventing problems from getting worse and escalating.
  • Better Digestive Health: By releasing bile into the small intestine, the gallbladder plays an essential part in the breakdown of lipids. Digestion can be hampered by an improperly functioning gallbladder, which can result in problems like indigestion and bloating. You may improve your overall gastrointestinal health and restore healthy digestive function by choosing to get gallbladder surgery in Thrissur.
  • Improvement in Quality of Life: Your quality of life might be greatly reduced if you have persistent gallbladder issues. Your mental and physical health may suffer as a result of the discomfort, food restrictions, and ongoing concern about potential problems. By removing these obstacles from your life, gallbladder surgery enables you to live to your full potential.
  • Techniques with Minimal Invasion: Many gallbladder procedures are now carried out utilizing minimally invasive methods like laparoscopic surgery thanks to developments in medical technology. Compared to conventional open operations, these methods have smaller incisions, faster recovery periods, and less scarring. Patients in Thrissur who want to resume their regular activities as soon as possible can particularly benefit from this.
  • Expertise in Thrissur: If you decide to get gallbladder surgery in Thrissur, you will have access to skilled doctors and cutting-edge medical facilities. Dr. Arun Nair’s medical facilities are prepared to handle gallbladder operations, guaranteeing that you’ll receive top-notch treatment all during the procedure.

If you’re thinking of having gallbladder surgery in Thrissur, Understanding the factors that affect the cost of the procedure is important. Various factors affecting the cost of Gallbladder Surgery in Thrissur are as follows:

  • Surgery Type
  • Medication and Anesthesia
  • Diagnostic Tests
  • Duration of Hospitalization
  • Post-Surgery Care

Before making a choice, it’s extremely important to discuss your alternatives with Dr. Arun Nair as well as the potential advantages and disadvantages of gallbladder surgery in Thrissur.

  1. A Profession-Recognized Journey – The journey of Dr. Arun Nair shows his commitment to patient care and education. He earned his MS in General Surgery from the Government Medical College in Trivandrum. He has held significant roles throughout his career, including Senior Consultant at Elixir Clinic, St. Gregorios Medical Mission Multi-Speciality Hospital, and Daya Surgical Speciality Hospital, as well as Assistant Professor at Government Medical College, Thrissur.
  2. International Expertise – Arun Nair visited well-known institutions all around the world. In 2017, under Prof. Daiko’s guidance, he finished a distinguished Fellowship in “Esophageal Cancer Surgery” at the National Cancer Center in Chiba, Japan. Additionally, under the supervision of Li Jie TAN at Fudan University in China, he undertook an international fellowship in minimally invasive esophagectomy.
  3. Local Expertise and Commitment – Arun Nair’s expertise extends beyond international projects; he has had a significant impact on Kerala’s medical community. His positions as an Assistant Professor at Government Medical College, Thrissur, and a Consultant Minimal Access Surgeon at GEM Hospital and Research Centre demonstrate his dedication to both specialist healthcare and local medical education.
  4. Patient-Centric Approach – Arun Nair focuses on treating each patient individually. He carefully listens to their concerns and works out of his way to assist them in comprehending the various treatment choices so they can make an informed decision.
  5. Location Accessbility: Arun S Nair is avaialbe at Exclir Clinic, Thrissur, Daya General Hospital, and St. Gregorios Medical Mission Multi-Speciality Hospital. So patients can easily choose hospitals at their convenience.
  6. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Arun Nair’s practice is equipped with the latest technology, allowing for the highest standard of laparoscopic surgical interventions

To benefit from Dr. Arun Nair’s expertise in laparoscopic surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation. Our friendly staff will assist you in finding a convenient appointment time that suits your schedule.

Common symptoms of the gallstone include abdominal pain. Patients may experience Nausea and Vomiting, Indigestion, and Gas.

These stones can result in bile duct obstructions, gallbladder inflammation, and possibly harmful side effects including infection and pancreatitis. Gallstones can occasionally make you more likely to have gallbladder cancer.

The gallbladder surgery will be performed and diagnosed by a gastrointestinal surgeon. Dr. Arun Nair is 13+ Year experienced in surgical gastroenterology in Thrissur.

In some cases, gallstones may be managed conservatively, especially if they are not causing severe symptoms. However, surgical intervention might be necessary to prevent complications.

Yes, laparoscopic surgery is a safe and effective approach with proven results for gallbladder stone treatment. Dr. Arun S Nair is skilled in performing these procedures.

Recovery times vary, but laparoscopic surgery typically allows for a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery. Many patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks.

Dr. Arun S Nair is a highly experienced proctologist specializing in surgical gastroenterology and advanced laparoscopic surgery. His commitment to patient care, innovative techniques, and proven results make him a trusted expert in gallbladder stone treatment.

In most severe cases, you might need surgery to remove your gallbladder. In other cases, doctors might suggest other gallstone treatments like medications to dissolve gallstones. If you have gallstones, book an appointment at Sahyadri Hospital and get a gallstone treatment immediately.

Based on 103 reviews
Sherly Mathew
Sherly Mathew
I recently underwent a major surgery performed by Dr.Arun S.Nair and the team at Parumala Hospital, and I must say my experience was nothing short of exceptional. His surgical expertise and compassionate approach made me feel confident and supported throughout my procedure.Dr.Nair's dedication to my recovery was evident in his continued involvement post surgery. I'm grateful for his dedication to his patients well-being. I highly recommend Dr.Nair and his team for their outstanding service. I'm also grateful for the guidance and assistance provided by Sr.Rachel during my hospital stay.
vinesh nair
vinesh nair
One of the best doctors i have seen… thank you very much..
sudheesh raghavan
sudheesh raghavan
Dr. Arun S Nair is an exceptional gastro surgeon whose expertise made my surgery experience incredibly comfortable. His skill and attention to detail instilled confidence, and his compassionate approach eased any anxieties I had. His surgical skills are truly commendable, as evidenced by the successful outcome of my procedure. Moreover, Dr. Arun's kindness and empathy are invaluable traits that undoubtedly contribute to the positive experiences of his patients. I highly recommend Dr.Arun S Nair for anyone in need of gastrointestinal related surgery. His expertise, professionalism, and compassionate approach make him an exceptional physician who truly prioritizes the health and comfort of his patients.
Rejeesh Vijayan
Rejeesh Vijayan
Dr Arun S Nair is an outstanding gastro surgeon. People usually have a lot of anxiety while undergoing a surgery. I felt very supportive and he listen to all my problems and all my dumb questions were answered with utmost patience. There could be many experts in the city, but listening to a patient and making the patient comfortable is very important and this is the quality which make him stand out among many others. I felt I am in safe hands. *He is a real expert in his field. *He shows exceptional care and compassion for his patients. *Dr Arun is a real professional in his field.
Aadhilakshmi C S
Aadhilakshmi C S
Rajesh Rajan
Rajesh Rajan
Very good experience
CRAZY tips
CRAZY tips
Very good ,excellent care
Sreekanth Vs
Sreekanth Vs
Very comfortable
We are sharing our happy experience to all. Iam always suggest Arun S Nair, sister raechal and Parumala hospital to everyone.