Dr. Arun S. Nair

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Importance of Early Hernia Surgery

Are you suffering from Hernia? diagnosed with a hernia? questions about hernia treatment? go for surgery or not? many questions in your mind. When anyone is diagnosed with a hernia and doctors/surgeons suggest surgery lots of questions can arise in patients’ minds. Is surgery necessary or an alternate option to treat hernia or hernia can heal on its own? In today’s blog, Dr. Arun Nair – An advanced laparoscopic surgeon explains the importance of early surgery in hernia and if hernia is untreated then what complication can arise?

Let’s see

A hernia is a medical condition in which an internal structure, such as a part of the intestine or abdominal tissue, bulges through a weakened area in the muscle or connective tissue. This bulge can be visible or felt under the skin and is usually more pronounced when standing or during physical exertion. Hernias are commonly found in the abdominal region, but they can also occur in other parts of the body.

  1. Prevent Complication: In hernia situations, early surgical treatment can prevent a variety of different problems that are going to be caused in the future. If the hernia is left untreated it will grow in size over time, complicating surgical surgery and increasing the risk of complications such as strangulation or imprisonment. These catastrophic consequences can cause extreme discomfort, harm to tissues, as well as life-threatening conditions. So it’s important to treat the hernia as early as possible.
  2. Reduce the risk of emergency surgery: Untreated hernias have the potential to become incarcerated or strangulated, which requires emergency surgery. Emergency surgery increases the risk, of long hospital stays and long recovery time. Individuals who choose early surgery minimize their risks of having emergency treatments and the difficulties that come with them.
  3. Short Recovery time: If hernia surgery is identified and performed on time it will recover in a short period. Small hernias can be treated by the minimally invasive procedures. It will result in smaller incisions, less tissue stress, and faster recovery. Patients can go back to their normal activity very early.
  4. Low chances of recurrence: Hernia surgery outcome is determined by the general health of the patient and the severity of the condition. Treating hernias early raises the chance of successful surgery and lowers the possibility of recurrence.
  5. Better Surgical Outcomes: Early surgery provides better surgical outcomes. The smaller the hernia and the less compromised the tissue, the easier it is for the surgeon to repair the defect. This often leads to shorter surgeries, smaller incisions, and a quicker recovery period.

When hernia surgery is postponed, several complications can arise:

  1. Infection of the wound: This is an infection of the surgical wound. It occurs at any moment after the surgery. However, it most commonly occurs in the first few days after performing the surgery.
  2. Mesh infection: This infection is caused, because of the infection of the mesh used to treat the hernia. It’s not common, but it can be serious.
  3. Other complications: Other complications that occur if hernia surgery is not treated early are Bleeding, Blood clots groin numbness, or tingling
  4. Progressive Weakening: Hernia is caused because of weak muscles or tissues in the abdomen. The weakness of the muscle or tissues gets less weakened if it is left untreated. Also, herniated tissue gets bigger and increases the chances of recurrence.

Delayed surgery can result in a higher risk of hernia recurrence. The longer the hernia is left untreated, the more likely it is that the surrounding tissue becomes weakened and less capable of supporting the repair. Recurrence often necessitates a more complex surgical procedure and poses additional challenges for the patient.

It’s important to understand, however, that hernias do not heal on their own and they will almost always require surgery. Delaying hernia surgery will allow the hernia to grow and muscles will likely become weaker. This will make surgery and recovery more difficult. Each patient’s situation is different, so it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions for the best timeframe to have your hernia surgery. If you are living in Thrissur or nearby areas then you can consult with Dr. Arun S Nair for your hernia treatment. Call us on 95399 88886